Massive Announced in Resident Advisor

June 28, 2023

We are thrilled to announce the initial release of Massive, Seattle's newest LGBTQIA+ nightclub set to make its mark on the vibrant Capitol Hill neighborhood. Located at 619 E Pine Street, the venue is breathing new life into the former home of R Place, a beloved gay bar that closed its doors during the pandemic after more than three decades of operation. With a fresh vision and a commitment to inclusivity, Massive is poised to become a pulsating hub of underground dance music and queer culture in Seattle. Check out the article announcing us in Resident Advisor here.

Led by a dynamic team of nightlife pioneers, Massive is the brainchild of Kevin Kauer (AKA Nark), founder of Bottom Forty, Tam Nguyen from Tamarind Tree Restaurant Group, and the talented promoter and designer Emi Vega. Together, they bring a wealth of experience and a passion for creating spaces that celebrate the diversity and vibrancy of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Spanning three levels, Massive boasts an impressive Danley Sound Labs system that promises an immersive audio experience like no other. While the programming remains under wraps for now, those familiar with the renowned Bottom Forty events, featuring acts such as Horse Meat Disco, can expect nothing short of a stellar lineup and unforgettable nights at Massive. The team behind the club is dedicated to utilizing all three floors, inviting a diverse range of queer artists, musicians, and performers to grace its stages and showcase their talents.

At Massive, inclusivity is at the core of their ethos. The club aims to provide a platform for queer performers to thrive and grow, fostering an environment that respects and uplifts their art forms. With a commitment to remaining queer-owned and operated, Massive is a testament to the resilience and creativity of the queer underground scene in Seattle.

The Capitol Hill club scene has seen its fair share of transformations over the years, evolving from humble beginnings to monumental heights. However, one thing remains constant—the need for a new space that allows the community to come together, dance, and forge new experiences. Massive steps up to fill that void, answering the call for a venue that embraces and champions the diversity of Seattle's nightlife.

As we eagerly await the official opening of Massive, we invite you to stay connected and be part of this groundbreaking journey. Explore our official website and follow us on Instagram for updates, sneak peeks, and glimpses into the exciting world we're creating. And to get a taste of what's in store, check out a captivating mix from our co-founder and resident, Nark.

Get ready, Seattle. Massive is here to shake up the scene, one beat at a time. Together, let's create a new chapter in the city's LGBTQIA+ nightlife that will be remembered for years to come.

Stay tuned for more updates and announcements from Massive, the club that celebrates the power of music, community, and queer expression.

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