Nark is Massive - Mix 001

June 9, 2023

Alright, music enthusiasts, we've got something cooking. The first in our new DJ mix series on SoundCloud is here. Curated by our own creative director Nark, this mixtape gives you a small taste of what to expect from Massive.

What's Massive all about? We're all about showcasing the talent that lives in the undercurrents of the scene. This mix offers you a peek into the sounds that will pulse through our upcoming venue. It's a sonic journey, giving a nod to the diversity of influences we love and aim to spotlight at Massive.

And the best part? This is just the start. The mix series will feature artists from all over, bringing a range of sounds that resonate with the Massive vibe. So, stay tuned for more.

Give this mix a listen. Let it fuel your anticipation. We're excited about what's coming up and we're sure you'll be too.

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